
Thursday, August 26, 2010

Day 57 Leesburg VA to Reston VA

Stats: mileage: 20 leisurely; total mileage: 2526

Tim and Katie joined us in Leesburg last night. We tried a flight of beer at the Tuscarora Mill followed by dinner at the Doner Bistro. After breakfast this morning we headed down the final rail trail, the Washington and Old Dominion and our last day of the Retirement Extravaganza.
While it was fun to meet and ride with new and different people across the country, it was very special to ride with people we know.
Tim's friend and colleague John joined us from Leesburg to Herndon. The W&OD was an excellent final lap of the journey
We started in Troutdale at a general store and bakery and here we are towards the end at the bakery table at the Herndon Farmers' Market.
Paul never missed the opportunity to sample baked goods along the road. Today was no different.
Tim, our guest narrator, was also the official greeter as we turned onto their street.
We've never been sprayed with champagne and, of course we have never attempted nor finished a cross country bike ride.
This is it!!!! Hard to believe that the ending would be more difficult than the beginning! It is not a trip that I would have chosen to make, but it has been a dream of Paul's and as "support staff" I pedaled along. We are overwhelmed at our accomplishment. Thanks for coming on this ride with us. Way cool. XO


  1. Congratulations to both of you! You are inspiring!!! Have a great time with Tm and family and a safe journey home! The Bandel's

  2. Boy that was quick!!!!!! And its probably still summer somewhere!!!!
    Glad you had such a great time. You done good. So, whats the plans for the next 60 years?

  3. Congratulations! We have loved following your journey this summer. Big HUGS!!!

  4. WAY COOL to say the least!!! I am going to miss checking in on you every night to see where you have been and what you have done. Love the final touch of being sprayed with Paul working on his next endeavor?

  5. Now what will I read with my morning tea? It's been fun turning the pages of the road atlas and watching the progress across the country. There's lots of train rides in CO. Next year, a trip on historic trains.

  6. Heartfelt congratulations on a mission well done! We all knew you could do it; what a feeling you must be experiencing right about now!
    (Can we look forward to a DC to Portland trip next summer?!?!) :-)
    Thanks for the ride.....cheers to you both!

  7. Great trip, we followed you on Google Earth, nope you weren't in the satelite pics. See you soon. Safe trip home.

  8. Congratulations!!!!!!!WELL DONE!!!

  9. What a trip! What an accomplishment! You were a topic of conversation at the DOGS ride yesterday (hosted by the Cates who chose to celebrate their 152 birthday with all of us). I don't know how Paul scheduled the weather for this trip but it appears the whole trip has been a dream come true. Looking forward to seeing you on the road in the near future, hopefully you will be wanting to get back on the bike and ride with us DOGS soon.

  10. fantastic. well done to you both. it was great meeting you and dont forget that if you come to the uk let us know so we can return the favour

  11. Excellent! Congratulations on finishing your trip. Aaron (aka Eric) from Williamsport and Shepherdstown lunch. Happy to find you online and to find that your adventure has finished successfully! Glad to have met you, happy trails!

  12. Four years later...checking in to see a photo of The Quilt.

    --Karen in Grand Rapids, Mich.
