
Friday, August 6, 2010

Day 37 Grand Rapids MI to Hasting MI

Stats: mileage: 40; total climb: 1103; total mileage 1674

As we said good bye to our Warmshowers host Karen, she reminded us to be sure an turn left at the end of her street. Just around the corner was Van's Bakery a fifth-generation goody factory. Paul is not smiling because he already has a mouth full of sticky buns. Most excellent but not 3 Sisters. After we enjoyed our coffee et al, the owner gave a small loaf of bread to have with lunch. The morning was one treat after the other.
Although the bakery opened early, the bike shop did not. Paul was skunked again. So he downed his GU and we were on our way again.
The rest of the day was spent riding along the Thornapple River which eventually flows into the Grand River. The terrain rolled long and there was very little traffic.
When we reached Middleville, we had lunch sitting on this bench watching the water flow by. There was a Farmer's Market going on behind us so we enjoyed some fresh Michigan blueberries. The path is the beginning of the Paul Henry Trail.
Of course, we refigured our route so that we could enjoy the traffic free shade. Though it is not a long trail, it was a worthwhile choice.

As we completed our ride for the day, this sight greeted us just outside of Hastings. Of course, we stopped and Paul clicked away. Who would have thought that this scene would appear again?


  1. 40 miles, hah! And your map originally wanted you to ride 60!

  2. Scarey picture....cut out the bad plane stuff. When u get back...road trip to 3 Sisters.

  3. I read about your trip in the Herald. I still read it on line here in Steamboat. The shade must be a welcome treat after Montana. Maria

  4. Hey Maria! Are u a grama yet???

  5. Yes, I am!! Erin has her first, and Jason has two.

  6. Maria, Erin still in Colorado? Send her our love and congrats! Patrick just found out number 2 is in the oven. Isn't it great!! Hope ur not working too hard, like Jane and Paul! Too many good deli sandwiches for them I guess...must be somekind of need to work them off. Not the same without you. :)

  7. For those of you reading the blog. Jane and Paul are famous.

  8. Jane and Paul Good luck on the rest of your ride from the Cal Cycling Club. Our Saturday ride ran into you south of Middleville and it was great to meet you. If possible, can you forward a pic?
